bicycle rules & manners

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Points to keep in mind when riding on a bicycle.
You cannot say, "I didn't know it!"
Surprisingly unknown bicycle rules & manners

5 Rules for Safe Cycling

In principle, ride it on a roadway on the left side. Riding it on a sidewalk is an exception. Give priority to pedestrians on sidewalks.
At intersections, follow the traffic light, stop signs, and check for safety.
Turn on the light at night.
Drink and ride is prohibited.
Wear a helmet.

Rule In principle, ride it on a roadway on the left side. Riding it on a sidewalk is an exception. Give priority to pedestrians on sidewalks.


In principle, a bicycle should use a roadway. Keep in mind that riding it on a sidewalk is an exception.

A bicycle is a type of light vehicle. Using a roadway is a basic rule.

歩Where sidewalks and the roadway are clearly separated, then the general rule is that bicycles must travel on the roadway. Bicycles allowed on sidewalks is the exception to the rule.(Article 17, Road Traffic Law)

罰則Punishment : Imprisonment not to exceed 3 months or a fine not to exceed ¥50,000.

Use only the bicycle lane on the left side of the road!

On a roadway where there is no real sidewalk but instead a side strip separated by a solid white line and other markings, bicycles must travel along that side strip on the left side of the roadway in the direction of the traffic.(Article 17, Road Traffic Law)

罰則Punishment : Imprisonment not to exceed 3 months or a fine not to exceed ¥50,000.

Always ride your bicycle on the very left side of the roadway.

Bicycles must travel on the left side of the roadway and not the sidewalk, regardless of the width of the side strip. Be very careful of cars stopped on the road, pools of rain water, and other obstacles and hazards. (Article 18, Road Traffic Law)

罰則Punishment : Imprisonment not to exceed 3 months or a fine not to exceed ¥50,000.

Right-side traffic is prohibited for bicycles, the same as cars.

Bicycles travelling on the right side of the roadway will crash head onto oncoming bicycles travelling in the correct direction. Travelling on the right side may also cause oncoming bicycles travelling in the correct direction to panic and swerve into traffic to avoid crashing into you. Always ride on the left side.(Article 17, Road Traffic Law)

罰則Punishment : Imprisonment not to exceed 3 months or a fine not to exceed ¥50,000.

Sidewalks are for pedestrians. Ride on sidewalks with their safety in mind.

If you are forced to ride on the sidewalk, the general rule is that you must yield to pedestrians and not put them at any risk of danger. They have the right of way and if it seems you can’t avoid a pedestrian, then you must stop.(道路交通法第63条の4)

罰則Punishment: Fine not to exceed ¥20,000 or minor fine

Why an exception? Cases when a bicycle can use a sidewalk

*A standard bicycle can use a sidewalk in the following cases.





When there is a sign "Bicycles and Pedestrians Only" or a sign painted on the road "Standard Bicycles Allowed To Use Sidewalk"

A sidewalk is used only by pedestrians in principle, but a standard bicycle can use it when a sign indicates that.

13 years old and not yet Mitsuru of children , high-on 70 years old, disabled people of the body is impassable the Trail .

Infants (less than 6 years old) and children ( or more and less than 6 years of age 13 years old) , the elderly ( over 70 years old) , such as those with disabilities to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance , you can pass on a bicycle even on the sidewalk.

When proceeding along the roadway becomes difficult.

When road or traffic conditions make it extremely difficult to proceed, then bicycles are allowed on the sidewalk.

For example:

■ When road construction or lines of parked vehicles make it difficult to pass on the left side of the road.
■ When there is a risk of hitting cars because there is heavy traffic and the road is narrow.


Use a sidewalk as if it is a "favor," instead of using it freely.

*What is a standard bicycle?/p>

A two-wheeled or three-wheeled self-propelled vehicle that meets the following standard for size and structure and does not tow another vehicle (Road Traffic Act, Article 63-3, Rule 9-2)
(1) up to 190 cm in length and 60 cm in width,
(2) with no sidecar (except for training wheels),
(3) with one rider seat with no other rider equipment (except child seat),
(4) with a break system operable during the ride,
(5) with no sharp projecting section(s) which may harm pedestrians.

Rule At an intersection, follow the traffic light, stop signs, and check for safety.

At an intersection, follow the traffic light and stop signs!

As a bicycle is a light vehicle in the Road Traffic Act, it should follow the signs and stop to check for safety. A bicycle should ride on the left side of the roadway and make a full stop at intersections in accordance with the traffic lights.

罰則Punishment : Imprisonment not to exceed 3 months or a fine not to exceed ¥50,000.

Observe a 2-step right turn at intersections with traffic lights!

Regardless of the number of traffic lanes, at intersections with a traffic light bicycles intending to turn right must use the 2-step method, known as the “2-Step Right Turn.” Step 1: Proceed to the corner on the other side of the intersection, do a safety scan of the area around you, then stop. Step 2: When the traffic light changes, proceed with the traffic flow in the direction you intended to travel. It is a traffic violation for bicycles to enter into the right turn lane. It is also very dangerous, so never attempt to do this.(Article 34, Road Traffic Law)

罰則Punishment:Fine not to exceed ¥20,000 or a minor fine.

Rule Turn on the light at night.

Turn on the light at night. Non-lighting ride is not allowed!

A bicycle light must be turned on at night. Even during the daytime, a bicycle light must be turned on in dark places such as tunnels. (Article 52, Road Traffic Act)

罰則Punishment:Fine not to exceed ¥50,000

Rule Drink and ride is prohibited.

Drink and ride is prohibited for bicycles, too!

The same as driving a car, riding a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited. (Article 65, Road Traffic Act)

罰則Punishment:Imprisonment not to exceed 5 years or a fine not to exceed ¥50,000 or minor fine(for impaired riding)

Rule Wear a helmet.

Both adults and children should wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.

A bicycle rider should endeavor to wear a bicycle helmet. When allowing another person to ride the bicycle, the rider should endeavor to have the person wear a bicycle helmet, too. A parent or person responsible for the protection of children or young children must endeavor to make them wear bicycle helmets when allowing them to ride bicycles. (Article 63-11, Road Traffic Act)

Other safety rules and manners

Don’t use your cell phone while riding!

Talking on a cell phone or looking at a cell phone screen while riding a bike is prohibited.(Article 71, Road Traffic Law; Article 14 of Fukuoka Prefecture Road Traffic Law Detailed Enforcement Regulations)

罰則Punishment:Fine not to exceed ¥50,000

Do not use a headset!

Driving a vehicle while wearing a headset or earphones at large sound volumes is prohibited. (Article 71, Road Traffic Act; Article 14, Fukuoka Prefecture Road Traffic Act Detailed Enforcement Regulations)

罰則Punishment:Fine not to exceed ¥50,000

Don’t ride side by side with another rider

Riding a bicycle side-by-side with another bicycle is prohibited except where signposted "Side-by-Side Allowed". Ride bicycles in a single file. (Article 19, Road Traffic Act)

罰則Punishment: Fine not to exceed ¥20,000 or minor fine

Don’t carry another person on your bike!

The capacity of a bicycle is one person. 2-person riding can easily cause a loss of balance and increase the risk of causing an accident. (Except when a rider is age 16 or older with one child in the child seat) (Article 57, Road Traffic Act; Article 11, Fukuoka Prefecture Road Traffic Act Detailed Enforcement Regulations)
(Article 57, Road Traffic Law; Article 11, Fukuoka Prefecture Road Traffic Law Detailed Enforcement Regulations)

罰則Punishment: Fine not to exceed ¥20,000 or minor fine

Don't ride with an umbrella in your hand!

Riding with an umbrella is prohibited since it can result in loss of balance or miss operation of the handle and break. (Article 71, Road Traffic Act; Article 14, Fukuoka Prefecture Road Traffic Act Detailed Enforcement Regulations)

罰則Punishment:Fine not to exceed ¥50,000

Don’t ignore temporary stops!

When there is a road sign indicating a temporary stop, stop just before the stop line, do a safety scan to the right and left, and then proceed.(Article 43, Road Traffic Law)

罰則Punishment Imprisonment not to exceed 3 months or a fine not to exceed ¥50,000.